And So We Begin….

Those beginnings are the start of any good obsession. Beauty, intrigue, desire and ultimately passion…as well as a nice leather bound binder and sturdy shiny tongs. It was these two beauties that started it all for me:

USA Scott #565
Canada Scott # 1933

The fact that such detail and craftsmanship could be done on such a small scale was intriguing. The second from Canada managed to mix together papercut style with embossed red foil to make a wonderful design that was eye catching and yet not tacky. The first is simple yet striking both in its simplicity of subject yet that detail that is impressive given the methods of the time with the classic dies. I got taken up with them and it started an obsession that has lasted about three years with the last year being my chance to properly organize my hoard in to albums.

As I slowly arrange and catalog everything I seem to learn more and more which only pulls me deeper and deeper in to collecting. So what better way than keep myself spurred on to order my tiny paper world than to share it? So here we are!

I hope people enjoy the interesting finds and history I manage to stumble upon alongside me. Perhaps I’ll find a way to scan and add my album pages as I add things? Who knows? But I’m open to topics or questions and will do my best to answer what readers try to throw at me. So please, feel free to comment!

Have fun!

Categories: Uncategorized

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